Happy International Women’s Month!!
Posted on March 15 2021

We are lucky to have many women idols in aviation - representing courage, endurance and power of all the women in the world.
On this special month we would like to commemorate pilot Elise Raymonde Deroche, who on 8th March, 1910 became the first woman to receive an official pilots license!
She earned her wings under the guidance of Charles Voisin, flying the aircraft he built, a single seater ‘The Voisin’, shouting instructions to her from the ground. Back in 1909, while instructed to do just simple taxi procedures, after one ride around the airfield, she instead decided to go full throttle and take-off on her very first flight, reached 15 feet then settled back on the ground with a smooth landing. This proved to be just the start to a fulfilling and exciting life in aviation, as she was soon issued Pilote-Aviateur license # 36 by the Aéro-Club de France on 8th March the following year.
Hope to see many more inspiring women aviators added to the Aviator's Hall of Fame with the same bravery and passion as Madame de Laroche!
趁著「三.八」這天,我們希望分享女飛行員Elise Raymonde Deroche的故事,特此記念她於1910年成為首位女性獲得正式飛行執照的驕人成就。
當時除了女性飛行不及今天普及外,連訓練模式也大有不同。Elise 當時駕駛的飛行屬於單座位飛機The Voisin ,由她的飛行教練Charles Voisin 建造,她一邊操作飛機同時一邊聽著地面飛行教練的指示,與現時的單飛訓練頗為相似。1909年時的訓練包括簡單地在機場上滑行。但一心衝上雲霄的Elise 當然不會滿足於此,在第一課飛行練習她就經已推盡油門起飛至15呎高然候安全地降落著陸。這個刺激又滿足的飛行體驗實在是一個有趣的開始。她其後在1910年 3月8日那天考獲法國飛行會的飛行員執照#36。此外她亦成為當時飛行界的很多個第一名,包括兩項女飛行員飛行高度紀錄,及女飛行員飛行距離紀錄。
Photo Credits: Aviation Voice (https://aviationvoice.com/who-was-the-first-woman-in-the-wold-to-get-pilots-licence-202003080900/)
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